Work for Indian truck drivers – documents required of a CE driver
Bureaucracy can be a real headache. The first task of a prospective truck driver boils down to obtaining necessary documents, which isn’t perhaps most thrilling but it is very much worth it. There is a lot of truck driver job for Indians. According to the forecast of Barometr Zawodów for the year 2022, only 21 poviats out of 314 “break even” in terms of the needs of employers and the actual number of available drivers. The rest of them indicate a considerable shortage of employees. In other words, there is no need to worry about getting a job. Once we find a suitable company we can proceed to arranging all the documents that are required to pursue the career of a truck driver in Poland. In the case of foreigners this is the second step on their way to ensure good income. The article presents in detail the entire procedure for truck drivers coming from India.
Work permit and visa – the first step for truck jobs in Poland
Every foreigner coming from outside of the EU – with the exception of those who already have a Residence Card or a Polish card [Karta Polaka] – needs to hold a work permit. First we need to contact the Poviat Starost’s Office [Starostwo] and find out what are the staffing needs. A foreigner can be employed provided that no other unemployed person registered with the Employment Office meets the requirements imposed by the employer. Work permit – in this case for pursuing work as a truck driver in Poland – can be issued exclusively upon the request of an employer. The waiting time for the work permit is about 30 days. Once the permit is obtained we can initiate the visa application process or, if visa has already been granted, we can start work.
Truck driving jobs in Poland first you need course of professional competence, CODE 95
Code 95 is an entry to one’s driving licence. It is required by law and certifies professional competence of a driver, in other words, it serves as a confirmation that all the requirements for a CE driver have been fulfilled. The entry follows the format of „95.DD.MM.YYYY”, where the date indicating the expiry of competence. It is worth mentioning that Work Partner Service offers an extensive range of training courses to truck drivers with respect to transport of goods as part of initial qualification, accelerated initial qualification and periodic training. Feel free to give us a call to learn all there is about: code 95 (what is the price?), training course in transport of goods (what is it and how much does it cost?), certificate of professional competence of a driver (when can I start?), Lithuanian code 95, online periodic training for professional drivers.
Secound to find in Poland truck driver jobs you need tachograph driver card
Driver card is used for recording all activities performed by the driver during his work hours. All trucks are equipped with a tachograph. An inspecting authority may ask the driver to present his or her card, which documents all activities pursued successively on that day as well as the last 28 days.
Foreigner who wishes to obtained the above-mentioned documents required for work, namely work permit, tachograph driver card, code 95, certificate of professional competence, certificate of medical examination and certificate of psychological fitness, needs to hold – apart from visa – a national or international driving licence.
The truck driver job in Poland seems appealing but, having read the article, you begin to think that perhaps it is not worth the hassle? Just thinking of code 95 for a truck driver makes you want to choose a different career path? We have a solution that will more than likely ease your mind. Our company specializes in the work of professional drivers and we will happily refer you to the right institutions. Sounds better? In that case the third step towards you working as a professional CE driver awaits. Find out more in the next article.