Code 95 in Poland

Are you a driver from outside the EU? Maybe you’ve tried googling the phrase “work for truck driver”? Are you looking for legal employment and a company that would facilitate all the formalities? Truck driver job in Poland is what you are after? Then buckle up and join us for a ride with Work Partner Service.

What stands behind the term code 95, who needs it, and in what forms it comes?

What stands behind the term code 95, who needs it, and in what forms it comes?

Except for categories C, C+E or D in a driving license, there are also codes (they are located on the back side of a driving license), which stand for different types of restrictions (e.g. code 95 it is first qualification code for professional heavy drivers in Europe which you must have if you want start work in Europe as professional driver, code 01.01 gives information that a driver should wear glasses) and additional rights.

Code 95

This is the case with code 95. At this moment information about code 95 has a form: “95.DD.MM.YYYY” – where numbers following 95 mean an expiry date after which you need to renew code 95 and go through suitable training (you will learn below what kind of training). Code 95 is a professional qualification without which every person, regardless of their place of origin, will not be able to start working as a truck driver in the countries of the European Union, including Poland.

If you don’t have a polish driving license with code 95 on it (or another driving license issued in the EU), you will need a Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, Karta Kwailifikacji Kierowcy, code 95). What is this and why this document is mandatory for truck drivers?

Karta Kwalifikacji Kierowcy (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC).

 Driver's Qualification Cards (CPC, Karta Kwalifikacji Kierowcy, code 95), front.
Driver's Qualification Cards (CPC, Karta kwalifikacji kierowcy, code 95), back.

Karta Kwalifikacji Kierowcy (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC, code 95) is a Polish answer to the directive introduced by regulation of the European Parliament and Council on Professional Competence. The Directive applies to all professional truck and bus drivers who want to work within the EU.

It’s a document for the people who are willing to work as a driver with categories: D1, D1+E, D, D+E1,C1, C1+E, C or C+E that confirms meeting the requirements, but who don’t have a possibility or ability to put the information about code 95 on their driving license. Thus polish CPC (Driver’s Qualification Card, Karta Kwalifikacji Kierowcy, code 95) is designed for, mainly, foreigners who don’t have a driving license issued in the EU, and who are planning to work in one of the European Union countries, for example in Poland.

How to obtain polish Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95)? Documents needed for code 95 in Poland.

Drivers who want to get code 95 in Poland need to prepare a few documents:

  • filled application for Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, Karta Kwalifikacji Kierowcy, code 95);
  • a psychological certificate confirming lack of contraindications for working as a truck driver (with a photocopy);
  • a medical certificate confirming lack of contraindications for working as a truck driver (with a photocopy);
  • valid passport or another document with a photo that confirms your identity
    (with a photocopy);
  • valid driving license with suitable categories (with a photocopy);
  • one photo 35 mm х 45 mm;
  • vocational qualification certificate (Świadectwo kwalifikacji zawodowej) which you can get after finishing a suitable course (documents issued in Poland; with a photocopy);
  • PKZ (proffessional drvier’s profile, profil kierowcy zawodowego);

Our company helps with preparing documents for cod 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) and their submission. We will fill out the application for you and lead you through the whole process.

The waiting period for a code 95 card (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) may differ depending on the city in which you applied. In general, it’s about 2 weeks. When your CPC is ready, you can pick it up by yourself or with help of a plenipotentiary, for example, it can be one of our employees. So you don’t need to worry about anything because our experienced staff can do everything for you.

Application for Driver's Qualification Card.

What a vocational qualification certificate (Świadectwo kwalifikacji zawodowej) is and how to obtain this document?

Vocational qualification certificate (Świadectwo kwalifikacji zawodowej)

A vocational qualification certificate (sometimes called a study course for the transportation of goods and people, or just a code 95) is a certificate for truck drivers, who went through a course for code 95 in Poland and as the consequence have received a qualification that allows them to transport goods and people.

Pay attention to the fact that till April 4th 2022 certificate has been issued in paper form, but since that moment it exists only in an electronic system. The vocational qualification certificate’s validity period is 5 years, after which it needs to be renewed.

Training for code 95 can be grouped for two types of courses: short course and long course.

Short course and long course. What you should choose, how they differ, and for who they are

We can divide code 95 courses into a few types (vocational qualification certificate), which we will generalize into 2 groups: a short course and a long course. Which code 95 course you need to take depends on your age, when you have received suitable categories and all the courses for vocational qualification certificate you have gone through (if there were any).

A short course (periodic training, szkolenie okresowe) for code 95 is for drivers:

  • who turned 23 and received categories D1, D1+E, D or D+E before August 10th 2008;
  • who turned 21 and received categories C1, C1+E, C or C+E before August 10th 2009;

Attend a short course can drivers who have taken a long course for code 95 (initial qualification, kwalifikacja wstępna) or who need to renew the course because of its expiration date. In the case of a short course, training lasts 5 days, and then the school, in which you were taking classes gives you an electronic certificate. The short course doesn’t end with an exam.

A long course (initial qualification, kwalifikacja wstępna) for code 95 is for the drivers:

  • who turned 21 and received categories D1, D1+E, D or D+E after August 10th 2008 or categories C1, C1+E, C or C+E after August 10th 2009;

The long course lasts about 4 weeks. Training ends with a governmental exam, which consists of 30 questions related to the material from the classes that drivers were taking. After receiving a positive result, voivode shall issue an electronic certificate. Drivers take a long course only once in a lifetime, but it also needs to be renewed. In the case of renewal, a short course is enough.

Training for code 95. In what form classes are conducted?

Participation in courses for code 95 takes place remotely on your computer or smartphone. Every driver, who decides to attend a course, receives data to log into a dedicated system, where you have unlimited access to lectures. Except for that, on the website, you have an opportunity to do checking tasks and tests linked to the subjects you have learned during lectures. Because classes can be taken remotely, even the busiest drivers will be able to take take a course at home at any time and receive their CPC (Driver’s Qualification Card, code 95).

PKZ (Professional Driver’s Profile, profil kierowcy zawodowego).

Professional Driver's Profile (Profil Kierowcy Zawodowego)

PKZ is a digital profile for truck drivers, generated by Transport Department, which allows you to take a course for code 95, and consequently, receive a plastic code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC).

PKZ contains in itself personal data about the driver, who is willing to receive code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC). There is also written information about medical and psychological certificates, information about vocational qualification certificate and professional driver’s card, if the driver already had one.

PKZ is systematically updated and archived in an electronic system.

What do you need to receive PKZ?

The procedure for obtaining PKZ (professional driver’s profile) is very similar to the procedure related to Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95). You will need such documents as:

  • filled application for Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95);
  • a psychological certificate confirming lack of contraindications for working as a truck driver (with a photocopy);
  • a medical certificate confirming lack of contraindications for working as a truck driver (with a photocopy);
  • valid passport or another document with a photo that confirms your identity (with a photocopy);
  • valid driving license with suitable categories (with a photocopy);
  • one photo 35 mm х 45 mm;

As for Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95), you will not need to do anything by yourself. Our company is filling out an application, we are also preparing the documents. Professional Driver’s Profile is made in one day, for free. When you will receive PKZ, you can start code 95 training.

Code 95 for drivers from Ukraine

According to existing in the EU’s countries regulations related to transportation, every person who wants to work as a truck driver, needs to obtain professional qualification code 95 on the territory of the EU. That’s why drivers from Ukraine, the same as drivers from other countries which doesn’t belong to the EU, need to have a document proving qualification code 95 issued in the EU. Ukrainian Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95) is not such a document. If Ukrainian drivers want to work in Poland, they need to make Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95) or change their driving license to Polish one.

Code 95 in Poland for non-polish speakers – with our company it is possible!

If you are not fluent in Polish and want to obtain qualification c0de 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) acknowledged on the territory of the EU, you can make it with our company. Work Partner Service will guide every person who wants to receive professional qualification code 95.

We will help you obtain medical and psychological certificates in a befriended clinic. We will explain every procedure related to Driver’s Qualification Card (CPC, code 95) or PKZ and will assist you with providing documents.

Work Partner Service organizes courses for the transportation of goods and people – short course and long course, also a second training. For your convenience, you can take courses remotely. In this way you can take part in classes at home. You can apply for code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) in Warsaw, Lublin, Poznan, Katowice, Szczecin, or any other city on the territory of Poland. Our company is for everyone.

Looking for stable employment and good pay? You found the right place!

After you receive qualification code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) , you can start working as a truck driver in the EU. If you have such a need, our company can find a job for you. We offer employment on British, German, and Scandinavian freight lanes. We cooperate with companies that specialize in domestic and/or international transport. They differ one from another in terms of the types of semi-trailers used, a system of work, and location. Let us know which option appeals to you and we will handle the preparatory works.

Even drivers without experience have a chance for career development in our company. You will go through training with a more experienced driver who will show you the most important part of the job as a truck driver. They will show you how to work with a tachograph, and explain what a chip card is. You will receive from us preparation on the highest level.

Truck driver’s work as a part time job?

Can a CE driver work part time? How can it be? It very much can if you work with us. We have a range of part-time job offers. You decide which days of the week you wish to work on, indicate weekends or weeks in the year that suit you best. You can work just one day a week or hit the road for a few days, or even a bit longer. You decide which system works best for you. You can work under a contract of employment or run your own business activity. It does not matter. All you need to do is submit your application and let us know what type of work you prefer and state your availability. Sounds interesting?

If you are interested, or you are looking for an answer to the questions as:

  • how to obtain code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC);
  • what documents are needed to receive code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC);
  • how much is code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC);
  • how is training for code 95 held (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC);
  • why do I need code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) to start working;
  • how is held an exam for code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC);

And other related to qualification code 95 (Driver’s Qualification Card, CPC) or truck driver job in Europe, you can always call us using one of the numbers below. We will try to dispel all the doubts you have and answer your questions.

Phone numbers:

+48 696653869
